About Us
Our Mission
The Mission of ETWMC is to Empower and Equip, to bring Healing and Deliverance to everyone that is bound, oppressed, and experiencing defeat by the enemy in the many areas of life.
Empower- Through the Word
We will be Empowered by developing a real relationship with the Lord, and by getting true revelation of the word of God, then to apply it to our lives. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 NKJV )
Equip- God’s people for growth
“Our Mission is to seek the spiritual growth and maturity of every believer through discipline, teaching, service to others, admonishing and exhorting from the Word of God” We believe that spiritual growth is impossible without the expressed respect of the Word of God as the ultimate authority and standard for living. All methods of discipleship (teaching, preaching, ministries, etc.) must have the Word of God as its base and center. (Eph. 4:11-12, Acts 20:28-32, I Peter 5:2)
Healing and Deliverance- Through the ministry and Gift of the Holy Spirit
We endeavor to create an environment of authentic worship where the Holy Spirit can have free rain and rule. Through the power of the Holy Spirit healing we believe healing will take place, also by the laying on of hands. We believe that when the anointing comes upon us “Yokes are Destroyed, Burdens Lifted and Deliverance takes place”. (Isaiah 10:27; Isaiah 61:1-2; Mark 16:17-18)